Category: Symposia

JPT No. 15 Special Volume – Symposium Volume of the 2nd Internacional conservation symposium-workshop

Sandra Val & Rubén García; Steven J. Jabo; Chris Collis; Vicen Carrió

Edited by
Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda & Sandra Val

Additional Scientific Editors
Koen Stein, Carla Alexandra Tomás, Ricardo Araújo, Octávio Mateus, Rui Castanhinha, Ángel Blanco, Christine Böhmer, Ignacio Escapa, Matteo Belvedere & João Russo

Technical Editors
Silvia Costa, Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda


This special volume collects the work of some of the attendees and the international guests to the 2nd International Conservation Symposium-Workshop in Natural History Collections, organized by the CRIP (Centre of Paleontological Restoration and Interpretation) of Els Hostalets of Pierola, Barcelona (Spain), together with the Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington (USA), the National Museums of Scotland in Edinburg (UK) and the Natural History Museum of London (UK). This international symposium aimed to create a workspace and study around the concepts of protection and conservation of Natural History Collections, deepening the knowledge and analysis of the different working methods used in this type of collections. Participation in the symposium was a great success with over 60 participants from different parts of the world: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Israel, England, Portugal, USA and Spain. This second international meeting was a great space for discussion and exchange of experiences, very dynamic and profitable, where professionals from around the world debated and reflected around the conservation, preparation and restoration of Natural History Collections, establishing ties of professional and institutional collaborations among the participants. The symposium organizing committee wishes to thank all participants and collaborating institutions whose participation has made this meeting possible. And also we want to thank the Journal of Paleontological Techniques for the realization of the Symposium Volume. The team of the Journal of Paleontological Techniques put a lot of effort in editing and publishing this volume monograph.

Fossil tracks and trackways: the dilemmas of preservation
Neville Agnew & Martha Demas  (pdf)

Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) shows undesirable effects of ultrasonic cleaning on recent mollusk shells

Marina Rull, Marta Pérez & Francesc Uribe (pdf)

Study on the physical-mechanical comportment in six gap fillers for fossil reintegration

Tatiana Martínez Riera & Begoña Carrascosa Moliner (pdf)

Consolidation of bone material: chromatic evolution of resins after UV accelerated aging

M. Amparo Linares Soriano & M. Begoña Carrascosa Moliner (pdf)

Conservation-restoration applied to a fossil adhered to a speleothem (Middle Pleistocene) from Postes Cave (Fuentes de León, Spain)

Maria Cruz Ortega Martínez, Monica Villalba de Alvarado, Hipolito Collado Giraldo, José Ramón Bello Rodrigo, Isabel Domínguez García, Luis F. Nobre da Silva, Ángel Carmelo Domínguez García, Lázaro Rodríguez Dorado, José Manuel Torrado Cárdeno, Jairo González Márquez, Elena García Domínguez & Elena Garrido Fernández (pdf)

In situ conservation strategies at the Pleistocene sites of Pinilla del Valle, Madrid (Spain)

Maria Cruz Ortega, Olalla Teresa Canseco, Ana Pastor, Juan Luis Arsuaga, Alfredo Pérez-González, Cesar Laplana, Belen Márquez & Enrique Baquedano(pdf)

Treating a historic restoration of a Megatherium sp. tail from the Rodrigo Botet Collection in the Museum of Natural Sciences of Valencia

Ester Antón, Begoña Carrascosa, Margarita Belinchón & Sandra Illobre (pdf)

Past preparation procedures and contemporary conservation techniques applied on a holotype (Museo Geominero, Madrid, Spain)

Eleuterio Baeza, Silvia Menéndez, Ana María Bravo & Laura Ruiz (pdf)

Unfavorable microclimate conditions in exhibition rooms: early detection, risk identification and preventive conservation measures

Dario Camuffo & Chiara Bertolin (pdf)

JPT No. 13 Special Volume – Symposium Volume of the 1st Internacional conservation symposium-workshop

Sandra Val, Steven J. Jabo & Vincen Carrió

Edited by
Emanuel Tschopp & Sandra Val

Additional Scientific Editors
Koen Stein, Carla Alexandra Tomás, Ricardo Araújo, Octávio Mateus, Peter Falkingham & Rui Castanhinha

Technical Editors
Silvia Costa, Emanuel Tschopp, Femke Holwerda


This special volume collects the work of some of the attendees and the international guests to the 1st International Conservation Symposium-Workshop in Natural History Collections, organized by the CRIP (Centre of Paleontological Restoration and Interpretation) of Els Hostalets of Pierola, Barcelona (Spain), together with the Museum of Natural History of the Smithsonian Institution of Washington (USA) and the National Museums of Scotland in Edinburg (UK). This international symposium aimed to create a workspace and study around the concepts of protection and conservation of Natural History Collections, deepening the knowledge and analysis of the different working methods used in this type of collections. Participation in the symposium was a great success with over 80 participants from different parts of the world: Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Israel, Germany, England, Portugal, USA, Australia and Spain. This first international meeting was a great space for discussion and exchange of experiences, very dynamic and profitable, where professionals from around the world debated and reflected around the conservation, preparation and restoration of Natural History Collections, establishing ties of professional and institutional collaborations among the participants. The symposium organizing committee wishes to thank all participants and collaborating institutions whose participation has made this meeting possible. And also we want to thank the Journal of Paleontological Techniques for the realization of the Symposium Volume. The team of the Journal of Paleontological Techniques put a lot of effort in editing and publishing this volume monograph.

In situ conservation strategies: a case study of archeopaleontological remains from the Early Pleistocene site of El-Kherba (Ain Hanech), Algeria

Elena Lacasa-Marquina, Pilar Fernandez-Colón, Aldjia Hamlat, Latefa Marouf, Zoheir Harichane & Mohamed Sahnouni  (pdf)

Bones and sediments: part of a synergetic continuum

Gail Gali Beiner & Rivka Rabinovich (pdf)

Preliminary results on the chemical preparation of dinosaur eggshells

Sandra Val, Rubén García & Domingo López  (pdf)

Preparation of a turtle fossil from the Pliocene site of Camp dels Ninots (Caldes de Malavella, Girona, Spain)
Souhila Roubach, Bruno Gómez de Soler, Gerard Campeny Vall-Llosera & Juan Ignacio Morales (pdf)

The Bristol Dinosaur Project – a conservation and preparation overview

Pedro A. Viegas & Michael J. Benton (pdf)

Two examples of preventive conservation actions in the Museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona (MCNB): inspection of specimens and substitution of packaging

Maria Vila, Marta Pérez, Olga Muñoz & Eulàlia Garcia-Franquesa (pdf)

Restauration of mounted animals – new techniques in old taxidermies

Angel Blanco & Gema Solis (pdf)

Procedures and materials used in the mounting of two birds which belong to the Natural Sciences National Museum (MNCN-CSIC) and the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)

Rita Gil Macarrón, Sonia Santos Gómez, Luis Castelo Sardina, Margarita San Andrés Moya & Andrés Sánchez Ledesma (pdf)

Pollutants in the museum environment – minimizing damage in storage and display

Pamela Hatchfield  (pdf)

Exploring the common ground between organic artifacts and natural history specimens: we share problems – can we share solutions?

Allyson Rae (pdf)

The collections of vertebrates of the Estación Biológica de Doñana (CSIC). Origin and evolution

Teresa García-Díez, M. Rosario Sempere, José Cabot, Javier Juste & Carlos Ibáñez  (pdf)

JPT No. 6 – Abstract Book for the International Conference on Geological Collection and Museums: Mission and Management


O presente livro reúne os resumos das contribuições dos participantes na Conferência Internacional Colecções e Museus de Geociências: missão e gestão, organizada pelo Centro de Estudos de História e Filosofia da Ciência e pelo Museu Mineralógico e Geológico, secção do Museu de História Natural) da Universidade de Coimbra (Museu da Ciência), agrupados por secções temáticas, de acordo com a sua apresentação. Os grandes desafios desta conferência internacional foram situados em torno das questões da missão e da gestão das colecções de objectos geológicos actualmente repartidas por um significativo número de instituições públicas e privadas, de que se destacam sobretudo universidades, laboratórios do Estado, museus e associações de carácter cultural e/ou científico. Nestes domínios, registamos com grande apreço a resposta da comunidade científica envolvida com este domínio tão particular do nosso património científico e cultural, sublinhando a espontaneidade e diversidade de propostas de intervenção surgidas. É nossa firme convicção que a apresentação e discussão de exemplos de boas práticas, de ideias de trabalho e de linhas orientadoras e políticas de gestão das colecções, será enriquecedora e poderá reflectir-se de forma positiva na adopção de estratégias de facilitação do acesso à plena fruição, científica e cultural, deste importante património, independentemente da sua natureza, localização geográfica ou tutela. Sublinhamos também a presença de um significativo lote de comunicações alinhadas pelos novos paradigmas de estudo, valorização e apresentação do património geológico in situ, rumos de actividade de grande potencial cultural e mesmo económico. Finalmente, manifestamos o nosso desejo que este primeiro encontro de profissionais envolvidos com a comunicação e divulgação museológica das Geociências se venha a constituir num fórum permanente de discussão e troca de experiências que, apoiado em estruturas informais ou outras, tendo em vista o constante aperfeiçoamento destas actividades-chave para a formação e divulgação de uma cultura geocientífica dos nossos cidadãos.

José M. Brandão Comissão Organizadora